Hope Lingerie Logo
Hope Resort Logo
Hope Bonjour Logo



A HOPE DO NORDESTE LTDA., a private legal entity registered under CNPJ 03.007.414/0001-30, located at Avenida Doutor Argeu Gurgel Braga Herbster, No. 610, State of Ceará, city of Maranguape, ZIP Code 61.942-005, and its affiliates (HOPE Group), processes some of your personal data to provide you with products and services. Today, we are a leading company and a reference in the intimate, fitness, and beachwear fashion segment in Brazil, recognized for our quality, sophistication, boldness, and authenticity. We want to explain a bit more about how we use your data on our websites (https://www.hopelingerie.com.br/, https://bonjourlingerie.com.br/, and https://www.hoperesort.com.br/).

This document aims to show you how the HOPE Group handles the personal data to which it has access, what your rights are as the data subject, and how you can exercise them. If you have any questions, please contact us through the channels indicated at the end of this Policy (item 6).

This Policy was last updated in March 2021.

1. Why do we use your personal data?

We collect and use some of your personal data when you, for example, visit, create, or access your account, as well as when you make a purchase on our websites and in our stores, among other situations. See more details below:

1.1. Data you voluntarily provide when using our websites or visiting our stores

Email, name, CPF (optional), date of birth (optional), gender (optional), and phone number (optional) Register you on the websites or in our stores, allow you to access your account and check your orders.
Name, email, address, CPF, purchase history, date of birth, and phone number Register you, if desired, in Hope Club, our cashback program.
Registration data, such as name, phone number, CPF, payment information, purchase data, delivery address, and order data Make your purchase ensuring your and our security, as well as manage post-purchase dealings - such as processing the charge of amounts and taking necessary actions for preparing the order for shipping. Send your order to you or make the product available for pick-up in the store. Process refunds for canceled or returned orders.
Name, address, CPF, phone number, and order data Issue invoices for your orders.
Registration data, such as name, address, phone number, CPF, purchase history, as well as complaints, suggestions, or questions submitted through our customer service channels or posted on social media, where we may have access to your username. Provide assistance to you by resolving any requests, answering questions, and addressing complaints that may arise from a purchase. This assistance may occur through the Customer Service (SAC), chat, specialized complaint sites, or WhatsApp.

Evaluate your mentions and comments related to the Hope Group to collect statistics, as well as to provide targeted service, if necessary.
Name, email, purchase history, date of birth, and phone number Communicate with you via email, phone, or text messages to send advertising and institutional communications, according to your preferences.
Name, address, email, phone number, personal preferences, purchase history, and interactions with the Hope Group (such as pages you visited, products you selected, or searched for). Target content and advertising based on your profile and preferences.
Email Subscribe you to our newsletter.
Geolocation Indicate our stores near you, as well as show products of interest on partner sites, depending on your location.
Email and CPF Validate your access to the site.
Name, email, and phone number, city, state, type of franchise of interest, investment amount, interest in receiving contact by WhatsApp, as well as interest in taking over an existing store Send you information about the process of becoming a Grupo HOPE franchisee.
Name, RG, CPF, proof of residence, and financial information Evaluate the candidacy of potential franchisees, as well as prepare the necessary documents for the purchase of franchises.
Name, phone number, CPF, franchise data, and email Manage the relationship of the Hope Group with the franchisee, collect payments, and control the values of purchases and sales of the franchise.

Validate the sales process through the application for the franchisee.

1.2. Data you provide when browsing the websites and collected through cookies

Navigation data such as IP, access date and time, geographical location, browser type, visit duration, and visited pages. Record your IP, access date, and time.

Activate essential functionalities, such as antivirus software, content display on the screen, among other functions.

Track items stored in your shopping cart, prevent fraudulent activities, and improve site security.
Data about the accessing device such as model, manufacturer, operating system, Understand your browsing behavior and how the websites are being used to enhance your user experience. The collected data is aggregated and, whenever possible, anonymized.

Show online ads for products that may be of interest to you based on data related to your browsing.

But after all, what are Cookies?
Cookies are small files that are installed and collect information about your browser or device. They allow us to know how and when the websites are visited, as well as how many people access them.
They can be useful, for example, to adjust the websites to your screen, better understand your preferences, and offer you products through personalized campaigns.

Grupo HOPE uses cookies for several purposes, as indicated below:

Essential Cookies: These are strictly necessary cookies to provide our services and ensure that our websites function properly, guaranteeing secure navigation, content scaling, and compliance with legal obligations by Grupo HOPE.

Statistical Cookies (Analytics): Provide information about your browsing behavior and how the websites are being used. The collected data is aggregated, and our goal is to better understand our audience so that we can offer more interesting content, services, and products to those who access our websites.

Advertising Cookies: These are cookies used for content targeting and advertising based on your profile and preferences. They serve to show you more relevant and interesting ads during your navigation.

If you want to know, in general, which cookies are installed on your device or if you wish to delete or restrict them, use your browser settings. You will find more explanations on how to proceed by clicking on the links below. For information related to other browsers, visit the browser developer's website.

Remember that if you block the use of cookies, we cannot guarantee the proper functioning of the websites, and certain functions and pages may not work as intended.

2. With whom do we share your personal data?

Grupo HOPE collaborates with other companies to provide its services. Therefore, we may share your personal data with these companies, always seeking to preserve your privacy to the fullest extent possible and, whenever possible, in an anonymized form. Here, we describe situations within the context of Grupo HOPE in which we may share personal data:

Grupo Hope Brands: Your information may be shared among Grupo Hope brands. We do this for (i) meeting our and your interests; (ii) segmentation and profiling, to provide you with increasingly personalized experiences that align with your profile; (iii) data analysis, among other purposes.

Suppliers, partners, and franchisees: We rely on the help of suppliers and partners who may process the personal data we collect. Information is shared only for the purposes of the services provided. We always seek to carefully assess our suppliers and enter into contractual obligations with them regarding the protection of personal data and information security, aiming to minimize risks for data subjects. Among these suppliers are, for example, (i) data hosting servers, (ii) e-commerce technology platforms, (iii) logistics companies to deliver your products, (iv) companies that process payment for purchases made on our websites, (v) customer service companies, (vi) advertising agencies, (vii) companies specialized in fraud prevention, among others. If you purchase Grupo Hope products on any of our partner marketplaces, we may also share your data with these partners to fulfill and complete the delivery of your purchase.

Other countries: Grupo HOPE is based in Brazil, and the websites are intended for people located in Brazil, applying Brazilian laws related to the protection of personal data. However, the personal data we collect may be transferred to companies located in other countries, such as the United States. This transfer occurs due to certain Grupo HOPE suppliers and business partners who may be located in other countries.

We reserve the right to share any personal data that we believe is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation or protect our rights and those of our employees. Additionally, we may be required to share some of your personal data with public entities to comply with legal or regulatory obligations or to comply with orders from competent authorities.

If you have any questions regarding the companies with which we share data, please contact the Data Protection Officer, whose contact channels are provided below.

3. Data Subject Rights

You have some rights regarding the data we process. Below, we provide a list of them, along with information on how you can exercise them. Upon receiving your request, we may ask for additional information to verify your identity and review your request.

To exercise any of these rights, you can contact us by email through the channels provided at the end of this Policy.

Confirmation and Access Allows you to verify whether we process your personal data, and if so, request a copy of the personal data we have about you.
Correction Allows you to correct some of your incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated personal data through your own registration on the website.
Anonymization, Blocking, or Deletion Allows you to request us to (a) anonymize your data so that it can no longer be related to you and, therefore, ceases to be personal data; (b) block your data, temporarily suspending our ability to process it; and (c) delete your data, in which case we will erase all your data without the possibility of reversal, except as provided by law.
Portability You have the right to request, upon express request, that your personal data be provided to you or to a third party you choose in a structured and interoperable format for transfer to another company, provided that it does not violate the company's intellectual property or trade secrets.
Information about Sharing You have the right to know the public and private entities with which we share data. If you have questions or want more details, you have the right to request this information from us.
Information about the possibility of not consenting Allows you to have clear and complete information about the possibility and consequences of not providing consent. Your consent, when necessary, must be free and informed. Therefore, whenever we ask for your consent, you may deny it – although, in these cases, we may have to limit some services.
Revocation of Consent You have the right to withdraw your consent regarding processing activities based on consent. However, this will no

4. How long will personal data be stored

Grupo HOPE has a policy with rules regarding the retention and disposal of personal data. It defines guidelines to determine the appropriate retention period for each type of personal data collected, considering its nature, the need for collection, and the purpose for which it will be processed. Personal data is stored only for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless there is any other reason for its maintenance, such as compliance with any legal, regulatory, contractual obligations, among others, provided they are based on a legal basis. Of course, you always have the right to request the deletion of data, as mentioned in item 3 above. Below are some examples of data retention periods by Grupo HOPE.

Website access records 6 months from the access date Art. 15, MCI
Purchase data 6 years after the purchase Art. 27, CDC and Legitimate Interest
Franchisee candidates' data 2 years after the last contact with the company Legitimate Interest

5. What are our responsibilities and how do we protect your personal data?

Our responsibility is to take care of your personal data and use it for lawful purposes, as described in this Policy. To ensure your privacy and the protection of your personal data, we adopt appropriate security practices for our market, using encryption techniques and other information security systems.

We work to preserve your privacy and protect your personal data, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee total security. Unauthorized access or use by third parties in your account, hardware or software failure beyond Grupo HOPE's control, and other factors may compromise the security of your personal data. Therefore, your involvement is crucial for maintaining a secure environment for everyone. You can help us by adopting good security practices regarding your account and data (such as not sharing your password with third parties). If you become aware of anything compromising the security of your data, please contact us through our Data Protection Officer, whose contact channels are provided below.

6. General Information

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions related to this Policy, please contact us via the following email: privacidade@grupohope.com.br